Creating your own internship
By: Ned Khatrichettri, Internship Coordinator for the College of Humanities

Abbie A.
When Abbie scheduled her advising meeting with me, she was stressed, felt behind in her professional trajectory, and was having a hard time identifying what she could offer potential employers. As a strategic communications major, she was ready to move into a more focused career and knew that an internship could be a critical step. She came to me with a lot of excellent questions: Where should she look? How should she apply? And perhaps most importantly, was an internship even a realistic addition to her already-demanding work and class schedule?
As we discussed her situation, Abbie realized that her fears and concerns were stemming primarily from pressure she put on herself. She had managed nearly fifteen people in her previous role and currently worked full-time as an administrative assistant at a company specializing in clinical prosthetic and orthotic products. So rather than trying to find an existing internship that would fit her unique situation, I suggested that she create an internship for herself. Her employer had indicated they needed a stronger online presence, so building a social media marketing internship could be mutually beneficial. Abbie’s stress began to transform into excitement and motivation to apply insight from her studies in her work environment.
In consultation with me and with some feedback from trusted family members, Abbie wrote a two-page social media marketing internship proposal for her employer. Her proposal included prescribed start and end dates, an overview, a description of the internship, a list of responsibilities and anticipated learning outcomes. Shortly after discussing this idea with her supervisor, it was approved.
“It was a lot easier to create an internship than what I previously imagined,” said Abbie. “I plan to highlight this experience to future employers as a concrete example of taking responsibility and following through on a task that adds value. What employer doesn’t want that?”

Make an Appointment and Learn More
Please make an appointment with the College of Humanities Internship Coordinator, Ned Khatrichettri, to discuss your respective situation. Ned is available to meet with you online through Zoom. The online internship resource also provides insight about this kind of experience and the services available to you.